Thoughts from a former submariner now in tech
How to Find the Source of Your Best Customers
How to explore the lifetime value of your customers by marketing channel
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Visting a Navy operations center
I work as a product manager, but spend two weeks a year as a reservist at a Navy operations center. I work 12 hour shifts where I send chat and email messages, make and take phone calls, and otherwise try to be of use. Some quick thoughts on the Navy as someone who doesn’t do it fulltime anymore after being a submariner for a few years.
Operations is really demanding The operations function is really, really demanding.…
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A Case for Marketing Attribution
Dunking on marketing attribution is popular on Twitter. I’ve worked on marketing attribution projects, which makes me highly sympathetic to the claims of people like Pedram Navid. I generally endorse them.
fun attribution exercise: a company sent me an email reminding me about what they do, i read it, clicked a link, watched the video, slept on it, remembered the next day, told a coworker about it on slack, he will google it and find them and sign up.…
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Operationalizing Product Quality
Florent Crivello asked question that really triggered the quality assurance officer in me:
One question I heard a year ago that's since been bugging me: how do you operationalize product quality? — Flo Crivello (@Altimor) August 25, 2020 It’s easy to just hand-wave and say “Have really high standards!” But how does one transmit their high standards across an organization?
Naval nuclear engineering is an organization with a maniacal approach to quality.…
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